International Applied Research Conference
Economics and Business: Current Trends and Mechanisms of Anti-Crisis Development

22-23 October, 2021, Moscow, Russia
The Conference Proceedings are to be published in the Journals
cited in Scopus and Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Key facts |
Уважаемые участники, в связи с осложненной эпидемиологической обстановкой, в целях предупреждения распространения коронавирусной инфекции, международная научно-практическая конференция «Экономика и бизнес: современные тенденции и механизмы антикризисного развития» переносится на 22-23 октября 2021 года.
About the Conference
The Conference is dedicated to the broad spectrums of actual issues related to economic and social development. The core elements of the Conference’s program comprise the special events in the form of general sessions, panel discussions and workshops with participation of authorities, academic community, businessmen as wells as Russian and overseas experts.
Academic staff, postgraduate students, chief executives, leading specialists of organizations, managers of public administration, and representatives of local authorities are invited to take part in the Conference.
EBMAD 2021 is the great opportunity for all the participants to share best practices, innovative scientific knowledge and cutting-edge achievements in the sphere of economics and management. The Conference is meant to support the highest scientific level of intellectual discussion, compelling debates in regards to the current trends in economics and management as wells as the methods of their study and further development trends.

The Conference’s mission: to discuss current issues and affairs in economics sphere, to put together the latest scientific advances, to share the best domestic and international practices for the problem solving, development and promoting the concept of economic management.
The Conference’s agenda provides for the plenary sitting and five sections
- Section 1. The contemporary economic issues: theory and practice;
- Section 2. Sustainable business development: challenges, risks, strategy and tactic of anti-crisis management;
- Section 3. Financial management and fiscal policy;
- Section 4. Actual issues of marketing and management. Project management and risk management;
- Section 5. Economics and social-humanitarian sphere: current problems and the prospects of interaction.
Организатором Конференции заключен договор с издательством Atlantis Press
Серия трудов Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research направлена на публикацию материалов конференций, посвященных теориям и методам в области экономики, бизнеса и менеджмента.
Scientific Committee

Antonina N. Ryakhovskaya
- Doctor of Economics, Professor, the president of the Institute of Economics and Anti-Crisis Management;
- Honored Economist of the Russian Federation;
- Chairperson of the Anti-Crisis Management Sub-Committee of the Safety Committee of Entrepreneurship of the Business Enterprise Chamber of the Russian Federation;
- The member of the working group of the State Duma dealing with the issue of bankruptcy legislation improvement;
- The member of Scientific and Advisory Board of the Federal Agency for official registration, cadaster and cartography of the Russian Federation;
- The member of the Community Council of the Federal Property Management Agency;
- Honored Professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

David L. Passmore
- Honored Professor of the Institute of Computational Science and Computer Analysis, Pennsylvania State University, the USA.
Scientific Committee Members
- Andrey Ya. Akulov — Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of «Anti-crisis management and finances» of the Institute of Economics and Anti-crisis management, legal expert in the sphere of financial, economic and estimate examination, professional English language interpreter in the sphere of professional communication, Russia;
- Alberto Celani — Academician of the Department of Urban Environment and Civil Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy;
- Yuriy A. Aphonin — Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of economics, state and municipal management of ANO VO «International Academy of Business and Management», Russia;
- Irina V. Burkova — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, researcher of the Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences by V.A. Trapeznikov, Russia;
- Vladimir N. Burkov — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, the prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, chief researcher of the Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences by V.A. Trapeznikov, Russia;
- Larisa N. Gerasimova — Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair of Economics and Management, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia;
- Dmitry V. Zav’yalov — Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, the head of the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Logistics of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia;
- Olga V. Kozhevina — Doctor of Economics, Professor of the department of «Anti-crisis management and finances», the Institute of Economics and Anti-crisis Management, member of the International Union of lawyers and economists (France), member of the Committee for safety of entrepreneurial activity of the Business Enterprise Chamber of the RF (sub-committee for anti-crisis management), member of the Russian Business Ethics Network (RBEN);
- Elena V. Lyapuntsova — Doctor of Technical Science, Professor of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, scientific head of the company and laboratory of information technologies ITSimple, the expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the expert of the Skolkovo Fund, the member of the Industrial Union Neuronet Asi, the member of the Expert Council for higher education of the Federal Coordinating Council for Education and Science of the Russian State Duma, the member of the Community Council with a mandate to the President of the Russian Federation on the children’s rights, a specialist in information technologies, artificial intelligence and neural networks, end-to-end technologies of digital economics, DBA, Scholar-in-Residence МВА of the Moscow State University of Foreign Affairs (MGIMO), the member of the United Dissertation Council MGIMO-RUDN, the head of the project The presidential grant of the Russian Federation «Golden names of Higher School», Russia;
- Elena A. Okun’kova — Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor, the Chair of Organizational and managerial innovations, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia;
- Pier Al-Haddad — Associate professor of the Chair of Management, consultant, Saint Joseph’s University, Beirut, the Institute of Social Economics of Enterprises and Organizations, Jean Moulin University, Lyon, France;
- Olga V. Saginova — Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Chair of the Entrepreneurship and Logistics, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia;
- Anna V. Philatova — Doctor of Law, Professor, first vice-rector of the ANO VO «International Academy of Business and Management»;
- Хоружий Людмила Ивановна — доктор экономических наук, профессор, директор Института экономики и управления АПК РГАУ-МСХА им. Тимирязева К.А., Президент Института профессиональных бухгалтеров и аудиторов России.
Conference’s Organizing Committee

Dmitry I. Ryakhovsky
- Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Institute of Economics and Anti-crisis Management, Professor of the Department of Taxation Policy and Customs Tariff Regulation of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, the member of the Presidential Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICA) of Moscow Region and ICA of the Central Black Earth Region; the deputy chief-editor of the journal «Bulletin of Professional Accountants»; accredited lecturer of ICA Russia; professional tax consultant accredited by ICA Russia, practicing tax consultant, independent expert of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate № 1 Moscow, Federal Tax Service Inspectorate №4, Moscow, Federal Tax Service Inspectorate № 27, Moscow. The author of numerous scientific, educational and methodological works in the sphere of taxation, the issues of bankruptcy institute, investment policy, managerial accounting and analysis, Russia.

Resa Barkhi
- Professor KPMG, the Chair of Accounting and Information Systems, Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech, the USA.
Members of the Organizing Committee
- Adam Uima — Doctor of Engineering, Chestochowa University of Technology, Poland;
- Natalya G. Akulova — Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, the Department of Anti-crisis management and finances, vice-rector for Research of the Institute of Economics and Anti-crisis management;
- Borislav Hristov — Doctor of Engineering, Professor of Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, HTW-Berlin, Germany;
- Viktoriya G. Borkovskaya — Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, full member (academician) of the UN MANEB academy, the winner of the contest «Golden names of Higher School» of the Presidential Grants Funds for development of international cooperation in the sphere of higher education, on the record to the distinguished lecturers’ book of the Russian Federation, the member of the Organizing Committee for International Activity and Youth Policy otf the «League of the Higher School Lecturers», Fulbright Fellow 2016-2017, Scholar-in-Residence of Kent State University 2017, Scholar-in-Residence and Researched of Georgetown University 2017-2018, Russia;
- Anna A.Burdina — Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Chair «Innovative economics, finances and project management», Federal State Budget Higher Educational Institution Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Russia;
- Ekaterina V. Dobern’kova — Doctor of Sociology, Professor, the Rector of International Academy of Business and Management, Moscow, Russia;
- Nadezhda B. Zav’yalova — Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the chair of entrepreneurship and logistics, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia;
- Karl Vi — professor of New York George Washington University, the USA;
- Elena V. Lyapuntsova — Doctor of Technical Science, Professor of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, scientific head of the company and laboratory of information technologies ITSimple, the expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the expert of the Skolkovo Fund, the member of the Industrial Union Neuronet Asi, the member of the Expert Council for higher education of the Federal Coordinating Council for Education and Science of the Russian State Duma, the member of the Community Council with a mandate to the President of the Russian Federation on the children’s rights, a specialist in information technologies, artificial intelligence and neural networks, end-to-end technologies of digital economics, DBA, Scholar-in-Residence МВА of the Moscow State University of Foreign Affairs (MGIMO), the member of the United Dissertation Council MGIMO-RUDN, the head of the project The presidential grant of the Russian Federation «Golden names of Higher School», Russia;
- Gulnara Zh. Nurmukhanova — Doctor of Economics, Professor, vice-rector of strategic development, science and innovations, Turan University, Kazakhstan;
- Richard Roe — Professor of Georgetown University, the USA, The Best professor of the years 2017-2019, the USA;
- Heiler Roland – Doctor of Engineering, Professor of Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, HTW-Berlin, Germany;
- Anastasya A. Safronova — Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Chair of Innovative Entrepreneurship, Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman, Russia;
- Dmitry N. Silka – Doctor of Economics, Associate professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia;
- Evgeny S.Staminirov – Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor, Rector of Economics University, Varna, Bulgaria;
- Walter Bardenwerper – professor of International Law School, Beijing University, China, Georgetown University (Law School), the USA;
- Anna V. Philatova – Doctor of Law, Professor, First vice-rector of ANO VPO «International Academy of Business and Management», Russia.
Form of participation
- Oral report;
- Poster sessions (with publication of the paper in the Conference’s proceedings followed by the sequent indexation in Scopus/Russian Science Citation Index.
The Conference’s official language is English
- The paper could be submitted in Russian language provided the author avails the authorized translation service organized by the Conference’s Committee. The translation service is fee-paying. For details, see: Registration section;
- The papers submitted in English language are subject to proofreading by professional English-speaking editors.
Key dates
- Paper submission deadline – 15th October 2021;
- Notification of the paper acceptance – within 10 days upon the paper submission via Easychair link provided;
- Registration of the Conference’s participants – not later than 1st October 2021.
Conference’s Fees
- Oral report without publication – 6000 roubles;
- Participation without report and publication (as a visitor) – FREE;
- Publication of the paper in the Conference’s proceedings with further indexation in the databases Scopus and Russian Science Citation Index – 17 000 roubles;
- Publication of the paper in the Conference’s proceedings cited only in the Russian Science Citation Index – 1000 roubles per paper.
Additional services provided by the Organizer (not compulsory/optional)
- Professional translation of the paper into English – 500 roubles per 1 page;
- Formatting the paper in compliance with the Journal’s requirements – 1500 roubles per 1 full-text paper;
- Templates and Guidelines for the paper formatting/See the information regarding the Conference’s proceedings.
For the Conference’s Participants
- Participant’s Application Form
- Templates and Guidelines
- Oral report’s requirements: the oral report could be presented in both Russian and English language (the professional interpreting is provided by the Organizer). The time for presentation of an oral report is strictly limited to 5-10 minutes;
- Guidelines for a presentation: the presentation text must be written in English or in Russian language provided it is dubbed in English. The presentation must contain not less than 10 slides. The presentation structure must comprise the following sections: problem statement, methodology of the research, results and discussion, conclusion.